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The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award


Founded in the UK by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, the program, launched in Canada in 1963, aims to help young people develop strength of character, leadership and personal discipline through projects in four activity sectors: community service, sporting activity, skill, and expedition. The purpose of the award is similar to that of the Air Cadet program.

Photo credit - Stéphane Couturier

     BRONZE             SILVER               GOLD

Visit the International Youth Merit website
by clicking on the link below

A prestigious prize...


Known worldwide as "The International Merit for Youth", the Duke of Edinburgh Youth Challenge Canada Prize brings together some 565,000 young people aged 14 to 25 in over 108 countries.


It is considered the most prestigious award in recognition of their individual efforts and their performance.


Like the Air Cadets, the program is voluntary and each individual is evaluated on effort, improvement and challenge, making the price accessible to everyone.

Follow your own rythm!

The program allows you to work at your own pace, accumulating a certain number of hours per week in different categories.


Many of the hours required by the program are already completed by most of you simply by being in the Air Cadets. For example, if you are on the military exercise team, you can use your team practices as a skill activity or as a physical activity.


If you teach on instructional nights, you meet the requirements for community service.

Pins for your uniform...


The Price is flexible and can be performed by anyone between the ages of 14 and 25 in their own time: physical or mental capacity or social circumstances should never be an obstacle.


In addition, the individual chooses which activities to do based on his interests and resources.


There are three price levels in which you can participate - bronze, silver and gold, each successive level requiring increased engagement.

Watch this short video to learn more (french only)


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