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** WEDNESDAY November 15 , 2017 - Administration CCMV Open for new cadet registration or transfer to 338 squadron.

- Supply section CCMV Open for uniform parts exchanges or to be issued the parts missing from initial kitting. Cadets who do not have a winter jacket are invited to sign their jacket.

- Optional program activities CCMV * Flight ground school 19:00 to 21:00 * Cadets reporters 19:00 to 21:00

** FRIDAY November 17, 2017 (MANDATORY PROGRAM) * Regular training night at Antoine Brossard High School from 19:00 to 22:15. Regular training night for level 1-2 cadets. Sports night for level 3 and 4 cadets. Dress is: Full uniform with blue T-Shirt (no shirt and no tie) for level 1-2-5 cadets and sportswear for level 3-4 cadets.

** SATURDAY November 18, 2017 (COMPLEMENTARY PROGRAM & COMMUNITY SERVICE) * Cosmodrome visit in Laval for level 1 cadet as part of their complementary program. * Level 5 cadets cadet workshop at BFC St-Jean * Community Service (Paniers de Suzie) Maxi Greenfield park

**SUNDAY November 19, 2017 (OPTIONAL PROGRAM)

* MARIE VICTORIN COMMUNITY CENTER 790 Victro Hugo Ave Brossard, QC 08:30 to 12:00 Music Band CCMV 08:30 to 12:00 Introduction to Aerospace CCMV Gym 10:00 to 11:30 Self Defence Taekwon-Do 12:30 to 17:00 Target shooting CCMV Gym

* STE-CLAIRE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 6175 Aumont Avenue Brossard, QC 12:30 TO 16:00 Military drill team

** UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Please block your agenda for the following activities:

* November 25th FUND RAISING: L'AUTO CADET BLITZ * November 26th Community Service - Guignolée Brossard * December 1st Commanding Officer's Parade

Have a good week!

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Cel: 438-520-3382

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