Special messages As part of our mandatory program ALL cadets have to confirm whether they will attend or not the annual review on the squadron web site: https://www.338squadron.ca/…/2018-annual-review-final-parad…
****************************** Regular messages
WEDNESDAY May 9, 2018: -Admin & supply open from 19:00 to 21:00 for registration or uniform part exchanges.
FRIDAY May 11, 2018: - End of year final physical fitness assessment (NECPC). Dress: sports civilian dress clothing with squadron's blue T-Shirt.
SATURDAY MAY 12, 2018 Glider familiarization flight at Bromont Airport Cadets who signed up for the activity will have to report to Marie Victorin Community center at 07:00 with a cold lunch. The dress for the activity is civilian clothing with Squadron's blue T-Shirt
SUNDAY MAY 13, 2018 Special sports competition and target shooting activity organized by level 5 cadets at Marie Victorin Community Center from 09:00 to 16:00. Participating cadets must bring a cold lunch. Dress: sports dress with squadron's blue T-shirt.
UPCOMING ACTIVITIES - May 26, 2018 338 Squadron first Annual review parade - June 1, 2018 Annual Gala - June 3, 2018 Glider familiarization flight - June 8, 2018 Parent meeting for summer camp and election of our sponsoring committee members
Have a good week.