SPECIAL MESSAGES * Cadets and parents who did not show up last Friday for the annual validation registration renewal are invieted to come at Marie Victorin Community Center on Wednesday Sept 12, 2018 between 19:00 and 21:30.
* New cadet registration starts on Wednesday night at Marie Victorin Community Center. Information sessions and registration will be done between 19:00 and 21:30. Cadet registration requires the presence of at least one parent and the child.
REGULAR MESSAGES WEDNESDAY Sept 12, 2018: -Admin open for new cadet registration and annual validation - Supply open for uniform part exchanges by appointment only
FRIDAY Sept 14, 2018: 19:00 to 21:30 ANTOINE BROSSARD HIGH SCHOOL Annual Physical Fitness Evaluation for a ALL cadets. Dress: No uniform!. Sport shoes and pants with Squadron Blue T-Shirt mandatory. Bring a water bottle to drink.
OPTIONAL ACTIVITY PROGRAM. No optinoal activities scheduled this week end. Our Optinoal activity program will begin on the first week end of October.
UPCOMING ACTIVITIES - Sept 21, 2018 Regular training night - Sept 23, 2018 First blitz L'auto Cadets (mandatory) - Sept 28, 2018 Commanding Officer's parade
Welcome back Junior Wildcats and Have a good week!