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Selected cadets will have to report for bus departure on November 3, 2018 at 07:00 at Marie Victorin Community center. It is very important that you check the squadron's facebook group before you leave your home to confirm if the activity has not been cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions.

Cadets have to bring a cold lunch. The dress is warm civilian clothing. Wearing of the cadet winter jacket, toque and gloves is mandatory.

Here is the list of the 48 cadets for which the registration has been approved for this activity:

Last name First name

  1. ATIA Lamair

  2. BENEDETTI Giancarlo

  3. CAI Andy

  4. CHAN Elim Yung en

  5. CHIANG Hsing Cheng max

  6. CHIU Meggie

  7. CHO Su Bin

  8. CHUNG Henna

  9. CUBA CANALES Darlyn

  10. DONG Calvin

  11. DU Lightning

  12. GHOREISHI Rayan

  13. HUANG David

  14. KHARE Amiya

  15. KUANG Jason

  16. KUNG Tsz Fung Mike

  17. LE Andy-Bao

  18. LI Lucas

  19. LI Ricky

  20. LI Sherry

  21. LI Simon

  22. LIU Elly

  23. LIU Rong hao

  24. LONG Derek

  25. LUO Carson

  26. MA Clarissa

  27. MBATKAM Audra

  28. MO Kai Shi

  29. MOUSTAFA Hossam

  30. MOVVA Anirudh

  31. NGUYEN Tristan

  32. PENG Dominic

  33. PIERRO kimly

  34. SU Vincent

  35. TANG Wei Lun

  36. TCHASSEM LOUDJOM Marlyne Myriam

  37. TRUJILLO MOYA Fernando Alberto

  38. WANG Xixi

  39. WU Alessandra

  40. WU Tong

  41. XIE Nicole

  42. YAKYMENKO Dmytro

  43. YANG Rui han

  44. ZHANG Michael

  45. ZHAO Alyssa

  46. ZHAO Guang Hui

  47. ZHAO Ziyue

  48. ZHONG Davis

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