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The following cadets have not yet confirm if they will attend or not the Ottawa Museums Tour scheduled this Saturday November 17, 2018. We need an answer from every single cadet no later than Wednesday November 14th whether you will be participating or not to the event. We need to order transportation, food, and book entrance fees. Your cooperation is essential.

Simply go on the squadron's web site to confirm your attendance:

  1. Atia Lamair

  2. Balbuena Sebastian Martin

  3. Benedetti Giancarlo

  4. Bouriel Mohamed Yessine

  5. Cai Lucia

  6. Carrillo Hayden-Arturo

  7. Duran Joseph

  8. Guan Steven

  9. Hal HoussineAmir

  10. LanHelen Zijun

  11. Li-Shen Melissa

  12. LiuYi Chen

  13. Luger Logan

  14. Meng Qing

  15. Moulla Ryan

  16. Moustafa Hossam

  17. Nguyen Thi Y Loi

  18. Nguyen Van Dia Lap

  19. Osmani Rami

  20. Reva Markel

  21. Tamara Bassel

  22. Tamara Youssef

  23. Tawadros George

  24. Tian Kevin

  25. TranNgoc An

  26. TranNgoc Minh

  27. TranNgoc Thao Nguyen

  28. Xie Nicole

  29. XuanMeng Xiang

  30. Yakymenko Dmytro

  31. Ye Flora

  32. Zhang Gary

  33. Zhang Hanbert

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