This activity is part of our Mandatory / Complementary program and consequently ALL cadets are expected to attend this event. Cadets have until 17:30 Friday November 8th to confirm on our squadron's web site whether or not they will attend one of the parade scheduled November 9th in Brossard or November 10th in St-Bruno.
Here is the list of cadets who did confirm their attendance:
Cadets form up at 10:00 in full uniform (shirt and tie) at the Brossard Legion building located on 8940 Rue Racicot, Brossard:
Bendahmane Sophia
Benedetti Giancarlo
Bourakna Reda
Cai Andy
Carson Luo
Chang Lulu
Chiu Emily
Cho Su Bin
Chung Mui Cheung Henna
Deng Kaien
El Alaoui Arwa
Gao Jennifer
Gosselin Mykevin
Hiscock William
Li Lucas
Li Ricky
Liang Shirley
Li-Shen Melissa
Liu Emilia
Liu Yi Chen
Ma Clarissa
Mbatkam Audra Nerys Shanesia
Nguyen Tristan
Perdomo Lozada Diego Alejandro
Perdomo Lozada Laura Sofía
Zhang Lawrence
Zhang Michael
Zhao Ziyue
Zhou Jason
* Cadets part of the Band or the Marksmanship team MUST attend the Brossard Parade and you have to sign up on the web site today!
A maximum of 45 cadets form up at 12:00 in full uniform (shirt and tie) at the Marie Victorin Community Center to be transported by bus at the St-Bruno Legion:
Bachkangi Eleny
Bachkangi Gabriel
Bouffard Billy
Chan Elim Yung en
Chang Andy
Chang Denise
Chiu Emily
Chiu Jeff
Deng Kaien
Gao Jennifer
Grigoras Philip
Kung Mike
Li Simon
Lou Cathy
Mbatkam Audra Nerys Shanesia
MOU Richard
Ng Amelie
Ng Emelie
Ng Theodoric
Peng Dominic
St-Cyr David
St-Cyr Simon
Wang Junlin
Yang Ruihan
Ye Sherry
Zhang Chelsea
Zhang Lawrence
Zhou Jason
Zhu Yijie
Zhu Yijun
If your name is NOT on any those 2 lists, you MUST go on the Squadron's web site to confirm whether or not you will attend this mandatory program activity and sign up for one of the two events. Click on the link below to sign up for one of the parade.