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The Brossard City Parks Spring Cleaning 2023 is a mandatory community service activity that will take place on April 30th. This is an excellent opportunity for you to give back to the community and make a difference in the city.

The event will start promptly at 07:30 in the morning at the Michel Normandin Arena located on 3105 Rome Blvd in Brossard. It is essential that all participating cadets arrive on time and dressed appropriately. The dress code for this activity is the Field Training Uniform (green) with FTU tall boots.

During the activity, cadets will be responsible for cleaning up the city parks, and parents are invited to join us with their cars for the day to assist in driving the cadet crews from one park to another. Participating cadets are required to bring a cold lunch.

The activity will continue throughout the day and is expected to finish around 17:00, depending on the number of participants. The more cadets we have, the earlier we can finish. Our goal is to complete the cleanup as efficiently as possible, while ensuring everyone's safety and comfort.

Please note that this is a mandatory activity, and all cadets are required to participate. It's an excellent opportunity to get involved in the community and make a difference in Brossard City Parks.

To register for this activity, please click on the following link:

We encourage you to register as soon as possible to ensure your participation.

We hope to see you all there on April 30th at 07:30 in the morning at the Michel Normandin Arena.


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