Effective Speaking Regional Competition
Good evening Junior Wildcats. This post is for the cadets that are part of the effective speaking team.
The Air Cadet League of Canada is hosting an Effective Speaking Competition.
Here are all the information you need:
⏰ When: Sunday March 16th from 8:30 to 12:30
📍 Where: Centre Multifonctionnel Guy Dupré 500 rue St-Laurent LaPrairie J5R 5X2
💂 Who: Members of the effective speaking team
👕 Dress: C1 unitorm (see picture below)
Cadets arrival: from 8:30 to 8:45
Quick meeting to explain the rules and how the competition is going to go.
Start of the competition: 9:10
Sadly, not all of the cadets will be able to present their speach but be ready, just in case!
Friends and family members are welcomed to attend this competition.
Cell phones, tablets computers or anything high tech is forbidden when you are making your speach
Bring a snack, a water bottle and a big smile. Make us proud Junior Wildcats
