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📢 URGENT: Lottery Cadet Pickup Required - Tuesday, December 5th, 7 PM to 9 PM at MVCC 📢

It has come to our attention that the following cadet listed below did not receive their Lottery Cadet, a crucial element for our annual fundraising activity. We kindly request these cadets, along with their parents or guardians, to be present at Marie Victorin Community Center (MVCC) on Tuesday, December 5th, between 7 PM to 9 PM to collect the necessary Lottery Cadet.

  1. Abdaddayam Abdarrahman Mani

  2. Ainajian Christopher

  3. Akkawi Dalaa By

  4. Akkawi Joud

  5. Arevalo Alcantara Vargas Zofya Elena

  6. Azimi Arman

  7. Ba Jingsong

  8. Balasingam Santoosh

  9. Be Xavier Luke

  10. Bouriel Anas

  11. Braunwell Markus

  12. Bu Yi Man

  13. Castilleja Alarcon Emiliano

  14. Chang Michael Jingqi

  15. Chen Bigao

  16. Chiu Jeff

  17. Crawford Joshua

  18. Dehnadi Vista

  19. Di Santo Christopher

  20. Dong Jennifer

  21. Doumos Leandros

  22. El Alaoui Arwa

  23. El Bachary Marwa

  24. El Houkmi Adam

  25. Eldiabane Farag

  26. Farwaha Anhad Singh

  27. Fossi Talom Ivan Leon

  28. Golovka Gabriel

  29. Gravelle Heidi

  30. Guan Nicholas

  31. Ho Cheuk Yin Daniel

  32. Hu Amberlyn

  33. Ibersiene Yanis

  34. Karimkhani Kian

  35. Kitaev Moussa

  36. Kolthur Sanjitha

  37. Li Chuanshi

  38. Li Lucas

  39. Li Tyler

  40. Liang Xinran

  41. Liu Siheng

  42. Lu Emily

  43. Lu Lisa

  44. Lu Maya

  45. Mannarino Carina

  46. Mannarino Francesco

  47. Manugolu Rohan

  48. Mendez Samuel-David

  49. Minavi Shaya

  50. Mohamed Omar

  51. Mu Xing

  52. Nana Noutcha Tony Alan

  53. Potvin-Keyes Brayden Jack

  54. Rashed Mariam

  55. Rashed Omar

  56. Ren Jayden

  57. Ren Junyi

  58. Roopchund Sahil Shane

  59. Simo Ange-Sarah

  60. Song Elaine

  61. Song FeiFei

  62. Song Zi Rui

  63. Sun Justin

  64. Tazi Ethan Ayden

  65. Venugopalan Sreejith Sreyas

  66. Vilvaratnam Parhavy

  67. Wafo Togueu Mael Verdel

  68. Wafo Togueu Mokam Arnelle Yvana

  69. Wang Yanbo

  70. Wei Zihua

  71. Wu ZhanXuan Victor

  72. Xiao Yao

  73. Yan Patricio

  74. Ye Brayden cho Yin

  75. Ye Cho Yiu

  76. Yee Lucas

  77. Yu Rui Peng Ruppert

  78. Zeng RuiYu

  79. Zhang Alek

  80. Zhang Milia

  81. Zhang Wen Qi

  82. Zheng Haoyu

  83. Zhong Jia Huan

  84. Zhu Jason

  85. Zhu Joyce

  86. Zu Daniel Haipei

If you see your friend's name on the list, tag them !



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